Review: Union and Communion by Hudson Taylor
In this video, we look at the little book, Union and Communion by Hudson Taylor.
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Book info
P. #: 84 with a 2 page appendix, Clothbound, 1951 edition, can be bought in paperback today and also a free pdf can be found online (linked below)
Author: Hudson Taylor Born in 1832, died in 1905.
Life: Taylor was a British Baptist Missionary in China for over 50 years of his life, and was used by the Holy Spirit to do marvelous work there. He was born into a Christian home, but early denied the faith. Later, at age 16, he was saved while reading a tract and then devoted his life to the mission field in China. Taylors first launch to China was on September 19, 1853. Over the span of his life, he visited China 11 times.
General info about author: Taylor’s biographies inspired other great missionaries to follow in his footsteps in sacrificing and serving. Those include Amy Carmichael, Eric Liddell, Jim Elliot, Billy Graham, and many, many, more. Hudson Taylor was a Minister, Missionary, author, husband, and father.
Overall Summery/review:
A very poetic book, as it is written on a poetic book of the bible. It is a commentary on the Song of Solomon. I disagree with his interpretation of the text, but so much good can come from it as well (I’ll read quotes later to show)
Obviously, this is a short book, so the chapters are rather short as well.
Throughout the whole book, Taylor encourages believers to delight and rejoice in spending time (communing) with God.
Content: Read Table of Contents.
Would I buy?: yes.
More in-depth: Personal info relating to book.
You can buy (or download) this book here:
Quotes mentioned in this video:
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable, and hence no part is, or can be, neglected without loss.” - Hudson Taylor (Union and Communion, p. 1)
“Thanks be to God, the illumination of the Holy ghost is promised to all who seek for it: what more can we desire?” - Hudson Taylor (Union and Communion, p. 2)
“The real secret of an unsatisfied life lies too often in an surrendered will.” - Hudson Taylor (Union and Communion, p. 12)
“There is no time so profitably spent as the early hour given to Jesus only.” - Hudson Taylor (Union and Communion, p. 15)
“Nothing humbles the soul like sacred and intimate communion with the Lord; yet there is a sweet joy in feeling that He knows all, and, notwithstanding, loves us still.” - Hudson Taylor (Union and Communion, p. 16)
“’Come with Me.’ It is always so. If our Savior says, ‘Go ye therefore and disciple all nations,’ He precedes it by, ‘All power is given unto Me,’ and follows it by, ‘Lo, I am with you always.’ Or if, as here, He calls his bride to come, it is still “with Me,” and it is in connection with this loving invitation that for the first time He changes the word “My love,” for the still more endearing one, “My bride.” - Hudson Taylor (Union and Communion, p. 42)