Review: Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor

In this video, we take a look at Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor.

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Book info 

  • 260 pages with an epilogue, appeal to prayer, and chronological outline. Classic paperback (glued), printed in the USA.  

  1.  Author: Dr. And Mrs. Howard Taylor 

  • Life: Dr. Frederick Howard Taylor was the son of Hudson Taylor. He was born in 1862 and died in 1946 at the age of 83. Howard Taylor enrolled in a medical college, and completed his degree in 1888 at the age of 26. He later became a medical missionary. 

  • General info about author: Howard and his father Hudson Taylor were always very close, and after Howard finished his medical degree, he joined the work of his father in China as a medical missionary. After many years in China, he wrote the book that we are now reviewing, in 1932.  

  • Hudson Taylor had a few odd theological views, of which I am aware, but I think we can still learn valuable lessons from his life. It is clear that God blessed his ministry abundantly, and he is a very important part of church history in China.  

  • Overall Summary/review: 

  • For a general overview, read first paragraph on back cover.  

  • Very short chapters. 

  • A map of the China that Hudson Taylor knew can be found at the beginning.  

  • The first chapter, which is only two pages, closes with a sentence that wraps up the whole book wonderfully. It says, “We want, we need, we may have Hudson Taylor’s secret and his success, for we have Hudson Taylor’s Bible and his God.” p. 16 

  • Would I buy?: yes.  

Quotes mentioned in this video:

“In these days of easy-going Christianity, is it not well to remind ourselves that it really does cost to be a man or woman whom God can use? One cannot obtain a Christlike character for nothing; one cannot do a Christlike work save at great price.” - p. 27 

“His love is unfailing, His Word unchangeable, His power ever the same; therefore the heart that trusts Him is kept in ‘perfect peace.’... I know He tries me only to increase my faith, and that it is all in love. Well, if He is glorified, I am content.” - p. 45 

“We may have more wealth in these days, better education, greater comfort in traveling and in our surroundings even as missionaries, but have we the spirit of urgency, the deep, inward convictions that moved those who went before us; have we the same passion of love, personal love for the Lord Jesus Christ? If these are lacking, it is a loss for which nothing can compensate.” - p. 127 

“The Holy Spirit never creates hungerings and thirstings after righteousness, but in order that Christ may fill the longing soul.” - p. 155 

“Faith in Jesus crucified is the way of peace to the sinner; so faith in Jesus risen is the way of daily salvation to the saint.” - p. 155 

“You cannot be your own Savior, either in whole or in part.” -p. 155 

“But how to get faith strengthened? Not by striving after faith, but by resting on the Faithful One.” - p. 163 


Review: Union and Communion by Hudson Taylor


Imagination and Faith