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Review: The Christian Race by J. C. Ryle

The Christian Race by J. C. Ryle  

  1. Book info 

  • P. #: 310. This book is cosmetically the greatest book I’ve received from Banner of Truth since the pandemic. I noticed a decrease in quality during the pandemic (which makes sense), but it was a breath of fresh air to receive this book. The binding is solid, the cloth matches the rest of the volumes (unlike The Upper Room)  

  1.  Author: J. C. Ryle   

  • Life: 1816-1900. He was an Anglican minister and first Bishop of Liverpool. His life story is one of the most inspiring I’ve ever studied, and his theology is ultra biblical and extremely practical. 

  • General info about author: Ryle resources can be found on our website including a document that I put together containing the biggest moments of Ryle’s life, a collection of Ryle quotes, and index of his book Holiness, most of his works are available for free there, and we also link to other websites that contain helpful information on who Ryle was and his works.  

  1.  Overall Summary/review: 

  • This book is a selection of sermons. The book was compiled after Ryle’s death in 1900 by T. J. Madden. After Ryle announced his resignation, his congregation wanted a selection of sermons to be published as a memoir of his great work. Ryle consented to this, and gave the work to be done by Madden.  

  • The title, The Christian Race, implies the Christian life. It is the race to the end when we stand before the Lord in heaven. In light of this, Madden says (p. Vii). 

  • This book hasn’t been published in this format since the first edition in 1900.  

  • The title of this book comes from the twelfth sermon with the same name which is based on Hebrews 12:1-2. 

  • Because this book consists of sermons and not his written work, I was surprised by how short each chapter was. Many of Ryle’s other works have 21 chapters and consist of about 100 pages more. This book consists of 24 chapters.  

  • Like all of Ryle’s works, this book includes advice for the Christian. He offers many painful exhortations and practical direction for how to live out the Christian life.  

  • Quotes: p. 1,11, 19, 53, 62, 67, 79, 118, 158, 165, 166, 226, 310