Review: The Diary and Life of Andrew Bonar

The Diary and Life of Andrew Bonar 

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  1. Book info 

  • P. #: 407, 420 with an Appendix and index 

  1.  Author:  

  • Life: Andrew Bonar, born 1810 and died 1892. He is best known as the author of a commentary of Leviticus, the biography of his dear friend Robert Murray McCheyne, and the Letters of Samuel Rutherford.  

  1.  Overall Summary/review: 

  • Journals are my favorite form of biographies, and one of my favorite types of books, which automatically puts this book in my top favorites.  

  • I disagree with some of Andrew Bonar’s doctrine, such as his clear dispensational premillennialism throughout the whole book, but it doesn’t drive me away from his work.  

  • Another issue he had, especially near the beginning of the book, is that he doubted his salvation, despite his faith and love for Christ. 

  • All of this, instead of making this book (and his other books we’ll be reviewing in this series) one that I put down and don’t read again, made me appreciate the work that God did through him, despite his faulty doctrine.  

  • Bonar was a great man of prayer, and God answered his prayers (read quote on p. xi) 

  1. Would I buy?: yes.  

  • Quotes: Funny Typo on first page. xii, 11, 15 (something I disagree with), 41, 45, 69, 90, 115, 146, 161, 209, 350, 412 

Some of the Quotes mentioned in this video:

“Doctrine is practical, for it is that that stirs up the heart.” - p. xii 

“The secret of true and complete composure is just feeling God behind all things going on.” - p. 45 

“Prayer, prayer, prayer must be more a business than it has been.” - p. 115 

“I am convinced that living in the spirit of prayer from hour to hour is what brins down the blessing.” - p. 161 

“Lord, give me light, love, life, likeness to Thee.” - p. 209 



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