Review: The Diary and Life of Andrew Bonar
The Diary and Life of Andrew Bonar
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Book info
P. #: 407, 420 with an Appendix and index
Life: Andrew Bonar, born 1810 and died 1892. He is best known as the author of a commentary of Leviticus, the biography of his dear friend Robert Murray McCheyne, and the Letters of Samuel Rutherford.
Overall Summary/review:
Journals are my favorite form of biographies, and one of my favorite types of books, which automatically puts this book in my top favorites.
I disagree with some of Andrew Bonar’s doctrine, such as his clear dispensational premillennialism throughout the whole book, but it doesn’t drive me away from his work.
Another issue he had, especially near the beginning of the book, is that he doubted his salvation, despite his faith and love for Christ.
All of this, instead of making this book (and his other books we’ll be reviewing in this series) one that I put down and don’t read again, made me appreciate the work that God did through him, despite his faulty doctrine.
Bonar was a great man of prayer, and God answered his prayers (read quote on p. xi)
Would I buy?: yes.
Quotes: Funny Typo on first page. xii, 11, 15 (something I disagree with), 41, 45, 69, 90, 115, 146, 161, 209, 350, 412
Some of the Quotes mentioned in this video:
“Doctrine is practical, for it is that that stirs up the heart.” - p. xii
“The secret of true and complete composure is just feeling God behind all things going on.” - p. 45
“Prayer, prayer, prayer must be more a business than it has been.” - p. 115
“I am convinced that living in the spirit of prayer from hour to hour is what brins down the blessing.” - p. 161
“Lord, give me light, love, life, likeness to Thee.” - p. 209